For many people, Mindful Gardening is a form of meditation. While there are several ways to cultivate mindfulness in your life, there are three major principles that will help you cultivate your garden. The first of these is to make sure that you have a garden you enjoy. This means that you should plant only plants you will be willing to tend to. The second principle is to avoid using chemicals on your plants. Lastly, remember that you don't have to be a professional gardener to practice Mindful and Sustainable Gardening. When you practice Mindful Gardening, you should take a moment to notice your surroundings. There will be times when your thoughts and emotions can rob you of the enjoyment of your work. Try to stay aware of your thoughts, but try not to judge them. The important thing to remember is that your accomplishment is your own, so you shouldn't worry about what others think. Rather, you should focus on achieving inner peace while gardening. While it is difficult to st...